PowerShell Notes
Install programs through enter pssession ISE is dope Set-netipaddress Set-netipv6protocol How to tell if script exited succsfully -last exit code -so do an if to see if it exited with $last exit code $username Java script -taskkill.exe iexplore.exe -taskkill.exe chrome.exe Using regular expressions to search for critical errors through log files -get-eventlog Using the pipeline to ping multiple computers, using pipeline to connect to multiple computers pipeline -transmits data from one cmmdlet to another -data must be passed into the pipeline to be continued -converttocsv transmits data through the pipeline -exporttocsv does not -clixml has better hierarchy than a .csv file Rejoin computer to domain Test-computersecurechannel –repair Get-member Objects have properties Collection=table Object=row Property=column Objects usually have methods as well, use get-member (or gm) to get details on them PowerShell.exe -Command "Start-Process PowerShell.exe -ArgumentList '-ExecutionPo